Heather Madden
is a Care Coordinator in the southern region. She was born and raised in Pennsylvania, and has lived in New England since 2005. Prior to joining Connected Families NH, Heather taught creative writing and worked for a number of nonprofits. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English in 1996 and a master of fine arts degree in poetry in 2005. Work and studies have carried Heather to New Mexico, Indiana, and Oregon. Heather and her husband moved to New Hampshire in 2014. Their son was born a few years later. When she’s not working, Heather enjoys writing, gardening, swimming, reading and storytelling with her son, laughing with her husband, catching up with family and friends, and taking walks with four-legged family members. Heather believes that everyone’s story matters, that we learn through mistakes, and that it’s an honor to be invited into others’ journeys.