
Garrett was sixteen years old when he and his father, Greg, entered the Connected Families NH FAST Forward program. Garrett’s grades began to drop halfway through the school year, and he became more irritable and struggled with behavioral challenges. Eventually, Garrett’s behavior resulted in him instigating a physical fight with another student in his school cafeteria, which prompted his father to


Jackson and his mother, Kathy, entered the Connected Families NH FAST Forward program when Jackson was in the 5th grade, after his behavioral challenges began to disrupt both his school and home life. Kathy was experiencing chronic illness and multiple health issues, which caused her to regularly be overwhelmed when it came to discipline and intervention for Jackson’s behavior.


Katie and her parents, Dan and Beth, entered the Transitional Enhanced Care Coordination (TrECC) program when she was fifteen years old, after she completed treatment at a residential psychiatric facility for bipolar disorder and anxiety following a manic episode that caused her parents to seek treatment beyond psychotherapy.


John and his son, Ryan, struggled with their relationship, and were both apprehensive to take responsibility for the tension and conflict at home. Ryan was fourteen years old when he and his father John entered the Connected Families NH FAST Forward program. John and Ryan’s mother were divorced, and she actively struggled with drug addiction and was not present in Ryan’s