
Garrett was sixteen years old when he and his father, Greg, entered the Connected Families NH FAST Forward program. Garrett’s grades began to drop halfway through the school year, and he became more irritable and struggled with behavioral challenges. Eventually, Garrett’s behavior resulted in him instigating a physical fight with another student in his school cafeteria, which prompted his father to be contacted. It was at this point that the school referred Garrett and his father, Greg, to CFNH.

Upon entering the CFNH FAST Forward program, Garrett’s dedicated care coordinator immediately identified the need for additional assessments by health professionals to determine the cause of Garrett’s challenges. After meeting with a licensed therapist and having a physical exam conducted by a physician, it was determined that Garrett not only struggled with anxiety and depression, but he was also rapidly losing his vision – something he never disclosed to others until his exam resulted in the diagnosis.

After properly identifying Garrett’s immediate and long-term needs, as well as the family’s needs overall, the care team began to devise a plan for them that worked to meet their goals. Garrett was immediately connected with additional in-school assistance programs and was enrolled in his school’s Special Education program. Garrett also began attending therapy regularly to help him process and navigate this time in his life. His father Greg has also been provided access to resources for parents of those with a disability, such as partial or complete blindness, and he is incredibly engaged and works hard to do better for Garrett, and for their family.

After a complete month in the CFNH FAST Forward program, Garrett’s behavior and overall mood began to improve substantially. He has also been referred to specialists and programs that help him manage his deteriorating eyesight, such as tutoring, medication, and long-term planning to address the unknowns of the future. Garrett and his father are still active in the CFNH FAST Forward program, where they both continue to reach goals and learn healthier habits.


About Connected Families NH

Funded by a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and contracted by the Bureau for Children’s Behavioral Health within New Hampshire’s Department of Health and Human Services, Connected Families NH is a collaborative family-led program designed to improve the emotional health of children and young adults. We recognize the importance of emotional health and provide free, flexible services and support through our statewide and regional programs. Reach out or submit a referral to learn more about how Connected Families NH can help you. Connected Families NH is under the governance of Cheshire County. Connected Families NH is not an emergency service. If you or someone you care about is having a mental health or substance use crisis, you can call and speak to trained care staff at the NH Rapid Response Access Point at 833-710-6477 or 988 or

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Garrett was sixteen years old when he and his father, Greg, entered the Connected Families NH FAST Forward program. Garrett’s grades began to drop halfway through the school year, and he became more

Connected Families NH is dedicated to coordinating care for your children and
youth with your family’s unique needs in mind.

Reach out to us if you have any questions about what we do and how we can help.